Search Results: Digital Assets

SEC Proposes Rules that Could Regulate DeFi, Extend to Aspects of Centralized Crypto Exchanges

Here is a link to our client alert addressing the SEC’s proposed change to the “exchange” definition, including introduction of the new term “communication protocol system.” There were zero references to crypto, blockchain, DeFi, or distributed ledger technology in the 654-page proposal. Nevertheless, the proposal makes clear that it applies…

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tZERO ATS Settlement with SEC: Square Peg/Round Hole or Simple Failure to Follow Existing Rules?

On January 10, 2022, tZERO’s ATS settled a matter with the SEC in which it agreed to an $800,000 fine.  Given the size of the penalty and substantial attention on the SEC’s approach to regulating digital asset securities, readers may have thought that this would present a blockbuster set of…

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SEC to Wyoming (Division of Banking): Interpreting Federal Securities Laws and Rules is Our Domain

In early November 2020, the staff of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Division of Investment Management (“IM Division”), in consultation with the SEC’s “FinHub” staff, issued a statement in response to a No-Action Letter from the Wyoming Division of Banking purporting to provide interpretive guidance on both Wyoming and federal securities laws,…

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OCC Clarifies That Federally Chartered Banks and Thrifts May Engage in Certain Stablecoin Activities

On September 21, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) published an interpretive letter clarifying the authority of national banks and federal savings associations to hold “reserves” on behalf of customers who issue certain stablecoins (cryptocurrency backed by an asset such as a fiat currency, including U.S. dollars or other…

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